Spark Post #9

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Experts estimate that just over 4% of American adults, 13 million people, have ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Scientists have proven that ADHD stems from a biological irregularity in the brain. The manifestation of symptoms associated with ADHD in children, especially boys, can be disruptive to the family unit. Finding an activity that challenges the body and brain can have a very positive impact on behavior control.

Studies have found that boys diagnosed with ADHD, between the ages of ...

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Spark Post #8

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Depression is due to a physical change in the brain. Certain areas of the brain shrink and stop functioning, which effects learning, attention, energy and motivation. Some neuroscientists call this the Hibernation Effect. One of the significant studies to correlate the benefits of exercise and depression found that for every 50 minutes of weekly exercise there is a 50% drop in the odds of being depressed. Human beings are social animals, so to fight depression, it ...

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Spark Post #7

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According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States and Canada. About 17% of American adults experience depression costing over 26 BILLION dollars each year. Every 17 minutes in the Unites States someone commits suicide. There are different kinds of depression and the full range of emotional reactions that can manifest. There is no blood test for depression nor is there a fail proof psychological test. ...

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Spark Post #6

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The fact that aerobic exercise works immediately to fend off the state of anxiety has been well established for many, many years. Here is how it works:
1). It distracts your mind
2). It reduces muscle tension
3). It increases body hormones that nourish the brain
4). The brain associates increased heart and breathing rates as a good thing.
5). The brain establishes electrical circuits around the established anxiety pathways
6). It builds confidence
7). It “sets you free” ...

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Spark Post: #5

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Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and whom the Hippocratic Oath was named and recited by all medical doctors, had a simple health theory. That health and emotions came from the heart, and that is where treatment should start for maladies of mood. Of course, Hippocrates lived 2400 years ago and could not have known that a naturally occurring hormone is produced in the heart. During exercise, increased heart rate releases this hormone, called Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP), ...

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Spark Post #4

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Studies have shown, both stress and inactivity play big roles in the development of many autoimmune diseases and conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. The more stress you have the more your body needs you to move to keep your brain happy! The office or work place, is often the primary source of stress for a lot of people, and a good place to look for the benefits of exercise. Employees who regularly exercise are ...

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Spark Post #3

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Studies have shown that people with Parkinson’s Disease that are encouraged to exercise, on a stationary bike, can reduce the effect of the disease. In the brain, the mild stress of exercise fortifies the infrastructure of our nerve cells by activating genes to produce certain proteins that protect the cells against damage and disease, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Dementia.

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“Spark” Post #2

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The mind is so powerful that we can set off the “stress” response just by imagining ourselves in a threatening situation. Thus, activating our “Flight or Fight” response. This prepares our body for movement. Physical activity is the natural way to prevent the negative consequences of stress. The body’s response to chronic stress causes an increase in the release of the hormone “Cortisol.” This hormone directs the body to create and store fat reserves, especially around ...

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Like Us and Learn Part One

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Good Day and Happy New Year to all of you, I wish you health, happiness and prosperity for the new year. One of my New Year Resolutions, yes I made some, is to “blog” and communicate through social media more regularly.

One of the activities I enjoy is reading. History and historical fiction are my favorites but I also enjoy reading about new advances in Health Science from diet and nutrition, exercise, rehabilitation to surgery. I ...

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What a Bargin!

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Lowe’s had 5 bags of mulch on sale for $10! So after I spent several hours (and 30 bags later), my yard looks great. Unfortunately my back is saying a very steady “HELLO!” (And chiropractors cannot adjust their own backs, we have to have colleagues do that for us.) We hear many stories like this everyday in our office and we are always ready and willing to help. Remember, that when springtime brings yard work and ...

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