Like Us and Learn Series #2: The Great Cholesterol Myth

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The main study linking high fat diets, cholesterol levels and heart disease was done by Dr. Ancel Keys, 60 years ago. Known as the Seven Countries Study, Dr. Keys manipulated data taken from 22 countries and chose a selected 7 counties to prove his theory and further his own career. At the time, Dr. Keys was a member of the Nutrition Advisory Committee of the American Heart Association and he managed to get his theories officially incorporated into ...

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Spark Post: Final Installment

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How Does Exercise Keep You Healthier
1). It strengthens the cardiovascular system.
2). It regulates fuel by controlling our insulin levels.
3). It reduces obesity. Exercise burns calories and reduces appetite
4). It controls our Cortisol levels and reduces stress.
5). It lifts your mood and boosts motivation.
6). It strengthens your immune system. Regular exercise lowers your risk of getting cancer and illnesses.
7). It strengthens your bones and fights osteoporosis. In the U.S., more women die each year ...

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