Like Us and Learn Series #2: The Great Cholesterol Myth

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The main study linking high fat diets, cholesterol levels and heart disease was done by Dr. Ancel Keys, 60 years ago. Known as the Seven Countries Study, Dr. Keys manipulated data taken from 22 countries and chose a selected 7 counties to prove his theory and further his own career. At the time, Dr. Keys was a member of the Nutrition Advisory Committee of the American Heart Association and he managed to get his theories officially incorporated into the 1961 american Heart Disease dietary guidelines.

The battle for the diet of the American public was fought between the beef industry and the grain industry, big money was at stake. The Fat Cat Ranchers were portrayed as peddling unhealthy, “High Fat, Artery-Clogging Foods” while the grain farmers were seen as the “good guys” on the side of science for the well being of the American people. High Carb, Low Fat diets became the new mantra.

Think its a coincidence that the obesity and diabetic epidemics went into overdrive around the same time that we started pushing Lo-Fat, High Carb diets as an alternative to those containing more fat and protein. Now, people think the Atkins Diet, which is a Low Carb, High Protein diet is a new idea.

The single dietary factor that has the strongest association with coronary heart disease is NOT fat, it is SUGAR!


About the Author:

Temecula Valley Chiropractic was established over 20 years ago by Dr. Donald Myren to provide the growing communities of Temecula and Murrieta with high quality, full-service chiropractic care.
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